This is my primary mantra:
“May I fill the greatest amount of people, with the greatest amount of love and light, with the greatest amount of ease.”
In 17 years, I have had the true honor of performing hundreds of wedding ceremonies. So many of the couples have become dear friends and an active part of my life. I have seen their children born, their parents (or sometimes spouse) die. Many couples divorce and remarry. Life is certainly this: it is unpredictable and we all have practiced a new kind of resiliency since early 2020.
I found true love in 2017, after years of uniting those in love. Wow how amazing life is now that even in its unpredictability, I am loved and I love.
My love bought me a camera for Christmas. He knew how much I enjoy capturing the pulse and spirit of what is going on around me. When I take a photo of someone, I am letting them know that they are valued. They are worthy to be remembered in a true and artistic way.
I can’t wait to meet you. I am an Ordained Minister and have certifications in Energy Medicine, Spiritual Counseling, and Ceremony. I am a relaxed, joyful, and calming presense to those that I am with.
XXOO Debbie
2021 – 2022 dates are available and I will consider all Covid 19 parameters as determined by the states and the departments of health. I am fully vaccinated.